Private Equity

DCK Holoubkov Bohemia a.s.

Description of investment

DCK Holoubkov Bohemia was founded in 1953 and currently its product portfolio consists primarily of outdoor switchboards, which are manufactured using several technologies and materials (thermoset SMC, thermoplastic PC and thin-walled concrete).

Investment statusActive
Year of entry2020
Investment typeLeveraged buyout

Why did we invest?

  • The current owners of DCK have created a leading company with a dominant position in the domestic market. The company is a leader in a very stable market with low cyclicality, and its customers include the largest energy and distribution companies, from which the company regularly wins tenders for long-term supply of its products.
  • The quality management team has deep technological knowledge and thanks to understanding the needs of the market and continuous innovation, the company has been able to successfully develop and expand its product range over the long term.
  • With regard to the company's high quality and innovative products and the existence of sufficient production capacity, the company has significant export potential.